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Can Our Teeth Be Regenerated?

The combination of mind-wandering being such an important human function and the addictive stimuli that are easily accessible to wander through makes it difficult to "just disconnect." Access to our devices is inextricably linked to our closeness to social groups.
| Irfan Yilmaz | Issue 161 (Sep - Oct 2024)

This article has been viewed 985 times

Can Our Teeth Be Regenerated?

In This Article

  • Scientists are aiming to bring a drug that will stimulate the growth of new teeth to market by 2030. After the research team succeeded in growing new teeth in mice in 2018, they set their sights on enabling new tooth growth in healthy people.
  • There are “tooth buds” in the human embryo embedded in the palate, which are separate from the baby teeth and permanent teeth that will replace them at the age of six or seven. These buds lie dormant, much like a plant waiting to sprout, lying there for a while with a potential to become full teeth, before eventually disappearing. 

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, a twentieth-century scholar, emphasizes that God sent Prophets as guides and leaders to humanity for spiritual development, and that He gave some wonders to each of those Prophets for material progress. God assigned them like “foremen” and “masters” for people, and this is why, Bediuzzaman says, the Prophets should be strictly followed [1]. Many scientific developments today encourage us to contemplate Bediuzzaman’s words. According to Bediuzzaman, the miracles of the Prophets indicate the limits of the future of knowledge, events such as the resurrection of the dea...

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