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Editorial: All About Flies

| The Fountain | Issue 159 (May - Jun 2024)

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Editorial: All About Flies

As we head into the summer in the northern hemisphere, we think of how we can avoid the annual war we fight every year: the war with the flies. The southerners are over with it as they start enjoying the calm that comes with fall. Having seeded the lawn and planted the seasonal flowers, we hope to have a summer with a pleasure to our eyes – but not to be bothered with the flies and mosquitoes! This bothering experience usually has a blinding effect causing us to undermine the marvel hidden in these tiny creatures that keep buzzing and biting for a full summer. Inspired from a verse in the Holy Qur’an challenging false gods that they could not even create a fly, Harun Emre Berk explains in this issue how intricate, and equally amazing, even its wings are. Their unique design, surface, flexible membrane, etc. prove none of it can exist by accident.

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