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Matter and beyond
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See, think, believe
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Literature & Languages
Literature & Languages
Below are the articles under the tag Literature & Languages.
Words as Pictures
10 January 2023 | Sadik Tok | Issue 151 (Jan - Feb 2023)
Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center discovered that when we look at a written word, a special part of our brain perceives it “like a…
Ph.inisheD—How I Went from GED to Ph.D
01 November 2020 | Laurie Buchanan | Issue 138 (Nov - Dec 2020)
Following thirteen months behind my only sibling’s academic footsteps was hard. From elementary school on, she was a glowing student; absorbing, dige…
01 November 2020 | Ismael Ituarte | Issue 138 (Nov - Dec 2020)
The morning had withheld its sunlight and left only a gray hue to open its doors when the man turned aside to his wife facing him, her Cantu-scented…
Irritated by Trivialities
01 November 2020 | Ed Stevenson | Issue 138 (Nov - Dec 2020)
Irritated by trivialities, overwhelmed by brutality and innocent suffering, disappointed by our own inadequacies – –in anxiety, confusion and hope…
Too Often
01 January 2018 | Ed Stevenson | Issue 121 (January - February 2018)
Too often, O God, the terrors of the world seem to overwhelm the promises of Your love. Too often, O God, the smallness of our talents, resources and…
Saadi Shirazi’s Influence on Ralph Waldo Emerson
01 November 2017 | Mubina Muftic | Issue 120 (November - December 2017)
“To Baron von Hammer Purgstall, who died in Vienna in 1856, we owe our best knowledge of the Persians,” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson (d. 1882) in his es…
Lovers Are Gnostic and Gnostics Are Poets
01 September 2017 | Mir Mohammad Saber Ansari | Issue 119 (September - October 2017)
Love is the only path to recognizing and reaching God. It is the only power that will enable humanity to reach maturity. If love did not exist, we wo…
A Tale of Two Ends
01 September 2017 | Salma Hany Abdel Fattah | Issue 119 (September - October 2017)
My pen is heavy and my words are messy; is the world I know gone already? I miss the rhythm of listening to predictable news and the certainty of a l…
The Faithful
01 July 2017 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 118 (July - August 2017)
I felt Your Infinite Mercy in my soul, While wrapped all around With the divine fear’s glowing coal. As my hopes overflowed my heart My aspirations f…
Dad and Luna Park
01 March 2017 | Abdulkadir Korucuk | Issue 116 (March - April 2017)
Those were the days when we barely made ends meet. When we went to Luna Park, we watched other people as they rode bumper cars and the Ferris wheel…
The Mist
01 January 2017 | Sumayya B. Sharaf | Issue 115 (January-February 2017)
Love is in the air, in the early morning mist. I inhale, and inhale This secret should be kept Here in the heart. Only then will I hear, It was never…
The Lace Decorating the Beyond
01 November 2016 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 114 (November - December 2016)
On the slopes of emerald hills Voices and whispers stir our happiness Heavenly fountains cascade in all corners At the eternal reunion gates Every mo…
From Finite to Infinity
01 September 2016 | Samina Farooq | Issue 113 (September - October 2016)
Think of all the things you wanted but couldn't have All the things you could have but didn't want The bundle of good deeds you amassed You wished to…
The Age of My Daughter, Manya; or The “Butterfly” Effect
01 September 2016 | Mariya Tytarenko | Issue 113 (September - October 2016)
The century overboard How do I think history will record the 21st century? As we always record the past: in a tangled way, and with mistakes. It wil…
01 September 2016 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 113 (September - October 2016)
A lover who has seen You Would not look for another. A loyal one who has befriended You Would not ask for another. Once ears have heard You They are…
Beloved Giver
01 July 2016 | Zuleyha B. Ozturk | Issue 112 (July - August 2016)
Love exists in forms that diminish with the touch of reality and disintegrate into memories: I would be a liar if I were to accept this as the whole…
Don’t Leave Me Alone
01 November 2015 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 108 (November - December 2015)
My heart and eyes open with You, Impossible obstacles are overcome with You, When Your name is mentioned, light sparkles Lovers seek You everywhere…
Old Man
01 September 2015 | Chris Roe | Issue 107 (September - October 2015)
By your side There is peace, A quiet place Of beauty and realisation, Where wisdom Seeks reason and understanding, Where myth is laid to rest By the…
Music of Rain
01 May 2015 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 105 (May - June 2015)
rops of rain, as if smiles from the worlds beyond, Travel here and there seeking the seas they parted from. They fall with the sound of plucked lute…
Separation and Hopes
01 March 2015 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 104 (March - April 2015)
Again I remembered the days of separation, Years mixed with tears passed by. I shuddered and froze in my place; Friends had become reconciled with e…
This Worldly Life
01 January 2015 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 103 (January - February 2015)
How beautiful, is this worldly life But not a soul shall remain We all come into this world Only to leave it one day I can see that everything around…
By the Pen
01 November 2014 | Sumayya B. Sharaf | Issue 102 (November - December 2014)
and the deeds that are not revealed yet, I am an ink without pen; I am a pen without ink, both without paper. I am all, I am neither; I do not know a…
Serene Autumn
01 September 2014 | Dave Cazeau | Issue 101 (September - October 2014)
Beautiful irony in the blanket of serene That I find in the coming of fall: The most pleasant of breaths given from The Creator, The refined aging of…
Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway: A Different Perspective
01 July 2014 | Mehmet Aslan | Issue 100 (July - August 2014)
Looking at Virginia Woolf's contemplations of characters in "Mrs. Dalloway" and Said Nursi's ruminations on profound inner struggles, one might first…
God Writes Me Poems
01 July 2014 | Jacob Winkler | Issue 100 (July - August 2014)
God writes me poems with every sunset. The trees, stretching up like the hands of the whirling Earth-Dervish. Oh! When will I learn to love the way H…
You Have Loved Him All Along
01 May 2014 | Amany Shalaby | Issue 99 (May - June 2014)
What do you love in anything or anyone that is not His? In reality, you have loved Him all along! Forms are like pigeons carrying the Beloved's lette…
The Only Memory
01 March 2014 | Magdalena Rusanova | Issue 98 (March - April 2014)
How could this piece of information solve my problems? This little sentence cannot really answer all of life's possible dilemmas, can it? I am w…
Why Is God Invisible?
01 March 2014 | Seth Mette | Issue 98 (March - April 2014)
When a father's inquisitive daughter asks him, "Why he is God invisible?" he thinks he's getting off with an easy question. But the answer is far m…
The Glass Half Full
01 March 2014 | Amina Negm | Issue 98 (March - April 2014)
And alas the day has come, when worlds crash, collide. When the happiest day of someone's life merges with someone else's nightmare. When someone hea…
Language, Meaning, and Purpose: Gulen's Perspective
01 January 2014 | Aalia Sohail Khan | Issue 97 (January - February 2014)
Language is not only a tool for describing facts and performing vocative functions – it also defines and constitutes our humanity. It "gives voice to…
Literature and National Security: The Almajeri Education in Nigeria
01 September 2013 | Ile, Onyebuchi James | Issue 95 (September - October 2013)
Introduction In his The Death of Criticism, Terry Eagleton spoke of the rude shock a clerk in his office might experience if she stumbled upon the t…
On Language and Man
01 July 2013 | Seyfi Agirel | Issue 94 (July - August 2013)
“What a curious thing speech is! The tongue is so serviceable a member (taking all sorts of shapes just as it is wanted) – the teeth, the lips, the r…
Dawn Comes in Dreams
01 March 2013 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 92 (March - April 2013)
The spirit wanders through the night To find a way out Toward that which it seeks and longs for Travels with the hope of recovering what is lost…
Rise Up
01 January 2013 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 91 (January - February 2013)
Rise up, valiant one, stop sleeping! Rise up, because my heart is lamenting… During the days having passed without you, I went back over the yeste…
A Lesson, If You Wish to Listen
01 November 2012 | Yunus Emre | Issue 90 (November - December 2012)
They had so much wealth and goods, Come and see them in their graves. Only a large shirt is their share And even those, without sleeves Dignitari…
Remembering the Super Victim: A Letter from a Villain's Mom to a Superhero
01 September 2012 | Seth Mette | Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
My husband had never been a family man; he was always focused and devoted to his work. For him, a successful business meant power and that family was…
Yaqin (Certainty)
01 July 2012 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 88 (July - August 2012)
Yaqin (certainty) means having no doubt about the truth of a matter and arriving at accurate, doubt-free knowledge through exact verification. Used a…
All of Your Beautiful Names
01 July 2012 | Jacob Winkler | Issue 88 (July - August 2012)
O Allah I know You say There is no compulsion in religion But I don't want this freedom Any longer You can have it And me as well Only teach m…
01 May 2012 | Mirkena Ozer | Issue 87 (May - June 2012)
His name was Abdyl. Everybody I knew called him Dyli. The only other Dyli in our small town worked as a porter, who rode his horse-led carriage in di…
Love in Sufi Poetry
01 May 2012 | Matthew Kelly | Issue 87 (May - June 2012)
The enduring resonance of the poetry of thirteenth-century Islamic poet, Mevlana Jalal al-Din Rumi, extends across cultures and through the centuries…
Beauty in the Sky
01 May 2012 | Seth Mette | Issue 87 (May - June 2012)
It was a shiny, blue sky when I heard the sound that cut through my head, and nailed me in place. I looked at where it was coming from, but I could n…
The Golden Ones
01 May 2012 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 87 (May - June 2012)
Overflowing with eternal inspirations In company of al Khadr, plunging into secrets Brilliant young people with countenances of gold Surrounded by…
Story in Progress
01 March 2012 | Seth Mette | Issue 86 (March - April 2012)
Every year, 12 to 25 million people attempt suicide worldwide, and 1 million of them achieve what they are aiming. That means that every 30 seconds…
Time to Say New Things
01 March 2012 | Jalal Ud-din Rumi | Issue 86 (March - April 2012)
How good it is to migrate every day! How beautiful it is to stop somewhere every day! How nice it is to flow without freezing and getting muddy! W…
The Best of Creation
01 March 2012 | Orhan Kaba | Issue 86 (March - April 2012)
In a harsh, corrupt and unforgiving land, came a mercy and salvation. Warring tribes and fierce factions, he united into one nation. And to the wo…
Bustling Willpower
01 January 2012 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 85 (January - February 2012)
Fate sometimes blows As gently as breezes; At other times it blows as tough As raging northeasters Rendering huge mountains to dust, Rendering feet t…
Hearing the Light
01 January 2012 | Seth Mette | Issue 85 (January - February 2012)
On a Saturday morning, I was sitting in the nearby park in our neighborhood. It was especially lovely to do it at this time of the year. The birds st…
In the Gardens of Love you bloomed
01 November 2011 | Sevim Hancioglu | Issue 84 (November - December 2011)
In the gardens of Love you bloomed Adoring to be free from this confined prison No longer will be imprisoned in stiff matter In the light, peace an…
My Sadness
01 November 2011 | Barbara Koerth | Issue 84 (November - December 2011)
It is as though my world is a blur I can't seem to make things make sense Nothing makes sense It's like a snow globe Shaken and stirred In comparison…
Big Germination
01 July 2011 | Seth Mette | Issue 82 (July - August 2011)
It was one of those chilly but lively mornings of spring. Everything was as expected: creeks were flowing, birds were flying, insects were waking up…
Summer Evening Breeze
01 July 2011 | Justin Pahl | Issue 82 (July - August 2011)
We endure the heat, and we wait. The sun steady in its track. Vicissitudes of light, shadows thinning, growing long. We endure and wait. Salvati…
Of Grapes and Guilt
01 May 2011 | Mirkena Ozer | Issue 81 (May - June 2011)
Of all the details I remember from that ominous August day, what impressed me most was the sweat trickling down the workers’ faces as they harvested…
My Treasure Jars
01 May 2011 | Belinda Sturgill | Issue 81 (May - June 2011)
I can only imagine how I would feel if I knew I only had seventy-two hours to live. I grew up in the Appalachian Mountains and though I am forty-five…
01 March 2011 | Bernadette - Daniel Skubik | Issue 80 (March - April 2011)
We meet you Our Friend in the beauty of countless vibrant hearts strongly sinewed in purifying love. We meet you Our Friend in the steadfast…
A Pristine Spring
01 March 2011 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 80 (March - April 2011)
A skyline of lively hills and purple mountains appeared As sleepers floated in their deepest slumbers In purple and pink, successive dawns were swe…
01 March 2011 | Mirkena Ozer | Issue 80 (March - April 2011)
“It is a sin to waste water,” warns my mom. She might as well save her breath. After carrying water in pails and plastic bins from the first to the…
The Luminous Riders
01 January 2011 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 79 (January - February 2011)
The luminous riders, divine light on their faces With fire in their hearts and a blissful composure They take everywhere armfuls of peace Inside t…
The Story of a Lie
01 January 2011 | Mirkena Ozer | Issue 79 (January - February 2011)
“Take these trousers to Kristina, the old seamstress,” my teacher instructed me, “and tell her they need mending. I have also put some extra fabric i…
As the darkness drowned
01 November 2010 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 78 (November - December 2010)
The dawn has broken, dance of colors in the horizon, The dark breathing its last, lights panting for air. Fog and smoke dissipate in my vision The…
Portrait of a Mother
01 September 2010 | Mirkena Ozer | Issue 77 (September - October 2010)
I am a mother, instead of a picture, multiplication table adorns my kitchen wall. I have 8 arms like an octopus reaching in every direction. Nobod…
The Realm of Zeal
01 July 2010 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 76 (July - August 2010)
Everything comes up roses in our sphere, rapture, zeal, and joy... So enraptured that We’re oblivious to spring and summer. The magical song of fa…
Mother Tongue: The Language of Heart and Mind
01 July 2010 | Hurisa Guvercin | Issue 76 (July - August 2010)
Today we are all witnessing an aspect of globalization which is the increasing movement of people from one country to another for different purposes…
Storm of Change
01 May 2010 | Seth Mette | Issue 75 (May - June 2010)
It was one of the first days of spring when a butterfly appeared in our forest. She was so charming in her vibrant blues, yellows, and blacks that ev…
Surprise Farewell
01 January 2010 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 73 (January - February 2010)
Death is a guest at our door, uninvited To some it brings bliss, to others perdition Suddenly shows up at an unexpected location Beyond which is P…
The Flower's Song
01 January 2010 | John Shuck | Issue 73 (January - February 2010)
The humble flower swaying free, Bent down in prayer as winds blow by. No glimpse of greed or poverty, Once again she stretches up beneath the sky…
The Heart of a Child
01 November 2009 | Jon Schuck | Issue 72 (November - December 2009)
Caught in a child’s hand, the seashell becomes treasure, a catalyst of daydreams. Tunes hummed by innocence reach the seagull nearby who gives up…
Ebru or Water Marbling
01 November 2009 | Dr. Musa Saracoglu | Issue 72 (November - December 2009)
After the “Sacred Word” was expressed in writing, it met with the refined taste in art. As a result of this meeting, some arts such as ebru, tezhip o…
Continuous Beauty
01 July 2009 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 70 (July - August 2009)
Everywhere is your Beauty, wherever I look, in whatever I see, Dancing in the enchantment of Your love, Like a moth, the world is rushing to meet Y…
Translation of Sufi Poetry
01 May 2009 | Aalia Sohail Khan | Issue 69 (May - June 2009)
The misunderstanding and the misconception by some Western readers that Sufi poetry is strongly tinged with sensuality and replete with erotic and ba…
Universal Signs
01 May 2009 | Victor H. Earnest | Issue 69 (May - June 2009)
The old globe speaks on its own, Looks ecstatic with a Godly gown, With spangled Paradise all around, Proclaims Who holds the crown. In the broad…
01 March 2009 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 68 (March - April 2009)
To the soul of Yunus Once the heart has found You, Would it ever remember another? Once it has burned in Your fire, Would it ever burn in another…
In an Author's Mind
01 March 2009 | Seth Mette | Issue 68 (March - April 2009)
Rational, Romantic, and Regular were three roommates. They were all new writers with splendid ambitions. They all dreamt of displaying the best of th…
Ode no XXXI from Bang-i-D'rra
01 January 2009 | Muhammad Iqbal | Issue 67 (January - February 2009)
Every object is at strife in the desire to "be" Churning in time, "the process of becoming" Every particle must sacrifice the ego to mill Listenin…
Knocking on Your Door
01 November 2008 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 66 (November - December 2008)
Open your door as a compliment, make your slave happy, Serve my spirit chants from the tongues of beyond. Do so and quench the storms that besiege…
Black Locks
01 May 2008 | Mehmet Erdogan | Issue 63 (May - June 2008)
You shot me in the heart, set me on fire, The only rose of my fate, sweet musk-scented hair My enshrouding sphere, You bestow abundantly, Wings of…
When Zero Died
01 May 2008 | Seth Mette | Issue 63 (May - June 2008)
Long, long ago, in a far away world that was inhabited by numbers, it was a clear dawn when the world of numbers witnessed the birth of a new number…
Heroes of Compassion
01 March 2008 | Mehmet Ozalp | Issue 62 (March - April 2008)
Once there were model men Roaming in our shining civilization. They breathed life into lost souls, We called them heroes of compassion. How we ha…
Sheikh Galib and His Definition of Divine Love
01 March 2008 | Ahmet D. Bahadir | Issue 62 (March - April 2008)
Galib’s master work Hüsn ü Ask ("Beauty and Love") is viewed as one of the most distinguished works of Turkish Literature. It is known for its perf…
01 January 2008 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 61 (January - February 2008)
Sky in blue, earth in green, dyes of all shades.Rainbows in all directions across the horizon,Touched by all these dazzling colors, humankind.Angels…
Descent from the Ivory Tower
01 January 2008 | Seth Mette | Issue 61 (January - February 2008)
Refugee in a tower of agony Hungry for ceaseless beauty In love with eternity Refugee in a tower of agony In an early, rainy morning When the bi…
Labor Pain
01 January 2007 | Fatih Kolbay | Issue 57 (January - March 2007)
Skyscrapers now stand Where oaks once grew. Power plants displace our cornfields On that lovely land. The breeze roughly sidles and bends Over t…
We never allow recollections to vanish
01 October 2006 | Fatih Kolbay | Issue 56 (October - December 2006)
The one missing from the heart No one else, you, the candidly expected A voice unreserved, sentimental Nourishing sermons forever in memories The…
Genomes and Languages
01 April 2004 | Hakan Ufuk | Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Languages are actually not that different from genes. Just as you would expect events like the Barbarian Migrations of the 5th century, or the Buboni…
Divine Truth and Lessons in Paul and Virginia
01 July 2003 | Dr. Huseyin Ozcan | Issue 43 (July - September 2003)
The French author, Bernardin De Saint Pierre expressed the delicacy and beauty of nature, as well as showing the balance and harmony in the universe…
The Dark Side of Harry Potter
01 July 2002 | Dr. Ahmet Ertugrul | Issue 39 (July - September 2002)
There has been a new wave of increasing violence in children's films, books, and toys. This concept of incorporating violence deep in the souls with…
The Colorful Meaning of Roses
01 July 2002 | Kayley Hollis | Issue 39 (July - September 2002)
God created thousands of flowers, and yet roses have remained a favorite throughout human history and have assumed very colorful meanings among diffe…
01 April 2001 | The Fountain | Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
When interacting with others, always regard whatever pleases and displeases yourself as the measure. Wish that others may receive those things…
Divine Love
01 January 2001 | Turkan Akman | Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
Many love stories have been told throughout history. The strength of love enables one to fight deadly enemies, accomplish unbearable tasks, and unite…
The Eschatological Descent of Jesus: Muslim Views
01 January 2000 | Dr. Zeki Saritoprak | Issue 29 (January - March 2000)
The Qur'an tells us that the universe will end. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam agree that there will be a Day of Reckoning. The Qur'an describes th…
Diversity in the Early Childhood Clasroom
01 January 2000 | Cheryl Pearson | Issue 29 (January - March 2000)
"Any people who would like to secure their futures should apply as much energy to the upbringing of children as they devote to other problems. The…
Materialistic-Positivistic Concepts Of Religion
01 January 2000 | Ali Unal | Issue 29 (January - March 2000)
If there is something in the world that has long been subjected to the worst kind of misunderstanding, it is religion in general, and Islam in partic…
In My Dream I Saw Myself As A
01 January 2000 | Nihal B. Karaca | Issue 29 (January - March 2000)
THE MATRIX - Moive Review Science Fiction/Fantasy and Action/Adventure Rated R for sci-fi violence and language Starring: Keanu Reeves, Laurence…
Historical Background To The Present Environmental Crisis
01 October 1999 | Abdulaziz Sachedina | Issue 28 (October - December 1999)
All scriptures in world religions have something to say about the environmental problems caused by such natural disasters as floods, droughts, and ea…
Upon The Unknown And The Unknowable
01 October 1999 | Dr. Selim Uzunoglu | Issue 28 (October - December 1999)
The process of knowing occurs with the interaction of three components: the person who knows (subject), that which is known (knowledge or information…
01 October 1998 | The Fountain | Issue 24 (October - December 1998)
A faded adventure experienced with weary eyes Sound of leaves Beating in the ear with the force of strong, cold winds A music of fall The rose…
The Pure Path
01 July 1998 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 23 (July - September 1998)
One night I had a vision of the future so bright; There was a peaceful silence and was pouring light upon light Things were being done with the pre…
No Difference Between A Governor And A Subject
01 July 1998 | A. Sahin | Issue 23 (July - September 1998)
Abu Ubayda commanded the Muslim armies fighting in Syria during the early years of the Caliphate of Umar. It was during one of those fightings that w…
Never Worn Out
01 January 1998 | The Fountain | Issue 21 (January - March 1998)
An eternal ‘textile’ woven with silk threads, pure as rain, cool as the shade of clouds; its colour and design address all the worlds, unstained w…
A Turkish Humorist And Sage: Nasr Al-Din Khodja
01 October 1997 | V. Ayhan | Issue 20 (October - December 1997)
Nasr al-Din Khodja is one of the most famous philosophers of humour in world history. His anecdotes, told over a vast area from Germany to Japan, con…
01 October 1997 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 20 (October - December 1997)
For man this world is like a foreign land, a fearful ocean, where he flounders a whole lifetime among waves of anxiety. At every step and every sta…
01 July 1997 | The Fountain | Issue 19 (July - September 1997)
Tears are poetry whose words are written in drops, expressing joy and grief, hope and despair. When consumed with pangs of separation, melting like…
The Rose Of My Heart
01 April 1997 | The Fountain | Issue 18 (April - June 1997)
As I mentioned you again, nothing else remained in my memory; I imagined you travelling on the hills of my heart. A mirage, I know, but it sufficed…
The Door Half-Opened
01 January 1997 | The Fountain | Issue 17 (January - March 1997)
What imaginations those coming to this world nourish! Imaginations as sweet as the joy felt at religious festivals! And yet the first step taken in…
Through Death
01 January 1997 | The Fountain | Issue 17 (January - March 1997)
As for the believing souls, worship of God is a mount for them, by which they fly to the clime where angels fly. With hearts at rest, with spirits…
Bediuzzaman And The Risale-i Nur (2)
01 October 1996 | F. A. Yavuz | Issue 16 (October - December 1996)
In order to comprehend the quality and main characteristic of the Risale-i Nur, the following experience of Dr Turner of Durham University. U.K. is w…
In The Bright Climate Of Beltez
01 October 1996 | The Fountain | Issue 16 (October - December 1996)
Absence of belief is like absence of light, a dark night never relieved; it snares the unbeliever in a wild solitude, wretched in spirit, facing a…
Bediuzzaman And The Risale-i Nur (1)
01 July 1996 | F. A. Yavuz | Issue 15 (July - September 1996)
In the many dimensions of his lifetime of achievement, as well as in his personality and character, Bediuzzaman was and, through his continuing influ…
Love And Separation
01 July 1996 | The Fountain | Issue 15 (July - September 1996)
In the heart, love is a flame, in the sipirt a light. Grief of separation consumes the lover, and yet even in gloomiest hours, he never despairs of…
01 April 1996 | The Fountain | Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
We are on a journey, equipped with belief and resolution, Walking without stopping to surmount all obstacles; With hopes fresh as days breaking aft…
Music of Rain
01 January 1996 | The Fountain | Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
Drops of rain,as if smiles from the worlds beyond, Travel here and there seeking the seas they parted from. They fall with the sound of plucked lut…
The Origin Of Language
01 October 1995 | Y. Yilmaz | Issue 12 (October - December 1995)
Language is what makes humans human. It is so much part of us that we rarely pause to describe it. We express and communicate our feelings, ideas an…
God and Man
01 October 1995 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 12 (October - December 1995)
Every human being thirsts for knowledge of God, craving faith; Their need is most dire whose minds have strayed the furthest. A needy conscience is…
The Eternal Light
04 January 1995 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 10 (April - June 1995)
The sun itself gets light from your face; Why, then, is your face still veiled? The years pass while we, in pangs of separation, Go on waiting and…
The Cry Of The Nightingale
01 January 1995 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 9 (January - March 1995)
At the moment when flowers are dancing, The nightingale sings in gardens secluded. Each of its tunes sounds like the whistling wind To those seen…
Who Suffers Long And Endures
10 January 1994 | The Fountain | Issue 8 (October - December 1994)
He groans with the sufferings of the people, trembling like the candlelight. At break of day he walks amid mountains splitting with grief; and he…
Soldiers of Truth
07 January 1994 | The Fountain | Issue 7 (July - September 1994)
Moths fly around the light of the inspired ones Whose hearts are as warm as the corona of the sun Pained and worried are they for the destiny of th…
Lovers of the Light
10 January 1993 | The Fountain | Issue 4 (October - December 1993)
One a clear night having fixed their hearts upon the Light they set out for eternity. And wherever the journey led, they carried their gift of ra…
The Reach of Ardent Desire
07 January 1993 | The Fountain | Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
Everything in our world of ardent desire and delight is rose-coloured And so absorbs us we can hardly tell spring from summer; The enchanting song…
Rise Up, O Valiant One
04 January 1993 | Fethullah Gülen | Issue 2 (April - June 1993)
Rise up, valiant one, stop sleeping! Rise up, because my heart is lamenting… During the days having passed without you, I went back over the yeste…
In His Way
01 January 1993 | The Fountain | Issue 1 (January - March 1993)
Those who have found The Truth found Him in their souls; Those who have been detained half-way have been hindered by conjectures. Who truly seeks w…